Incorporate its message in a sequence entirely in images, waiting to be discovered in the video below.
The tone, the rhythm, the sounds and the images from its collection of products – freely reinterpreted by a talented graphic artist, photographer and video maker, Emmanuel Teitgen – are an invitation to enjoy time passing to the rhythm of our desires. In doing so, the aim is to offer you emotions and serenity too.
Seeing “the beautiful” in everything, in a global context which continues to appear troubled, can actually help us to highlight the importance given to each of our daily actions, collectively and individually.
Twelve months, twelve active verbs, to mark the flow of time, to pause for a few moments to take something in, to take delight in it and to reflect – and, of course, to take action too.
Vibrate in January,
Inspire in February,
Share in March,
Cooperate in April,
Research in May,
Innovate in June,
Plan in July,
Consolidate in August,
Commit in September,
Impact in October,
Choose in November,
Apply in December…
And, naturally, everyone is free to decide on their own verb and month pairings to make up the year 2022: The “right way” is the one that suits you!
Flashback to September 2021, where we simultaneously :
- Unveiled our new graphic identity
13 years, 10 months and 19 days after the creation of our family-run enterprise, which remains an independent business, as summarized in the video below.
– And also revised our internet site to offer a better presentation of our solutions, the guiding principles of our CSR program, our mission and many other things too.
It was vital to do this, to share our reality with you and to enable you to choose us in the full knowledge of what we do.
– Lastly, we imagined and created the Alsafe® solution, the fruit of its Research & Development efforts to address the problems of anti-bacterial and antiviral hygiene and health and safety, welcomed by the professional press at its launch at Luxe Pack 2021:
From our very beginnings, we have combined to provide you with best support :
- A continuous progress program: Step by step, its sound commitment – as a company that upholds the principles of environmental and social responsibility – enables it to see each of its decisions and choices made as an opportunity to advance down the path to an increasingly zero-impact goal.
- innovation as a driving force: It’s this that provides an ever-growing motivation for the Altus Coating team – innovating to deliver ever-better scope for realizing our customers’ creations, and to support manufacturers looking to satisfy their own customers. Searching, researching, imagining, testing for feasibility, developing, supporting processes on the ground, without ever losing sight of the priority: That of satisfying a client with exacting requirements, by providing the specific answer needed to coat the material and protect both the use of the product and the people handling the objects.
In 2022, varnishes to support your living and your desires!
Acting in the closest alignment with your needs, simply, in consultation, supporting you, making your developments easier to realize, helping you to secure new markets with our solutions – existing solutions and ones we develop together – is what motivates us.
It’s a time for positivity and solidarity, so let’s celebrate the arrival of the year 2022 together as an excellent opportunity to reforge our links!